Now go ahead and save it, and in Nexus Mod Manager, click the “Import load order” button, and choose the loadorder.

A lot of the mods in this list can be used in tandem, but even compatible mods can have a falling out when they’re not put in the correct load order.We then looked at how best to manually install mods. I play Skyrim Special Edition on an Xbox One X on a 4K TV. For example, let's say you put a piece of white paper down on the floor, then you put a rock on top of that, if you placed the objects in the "White Paper -> Rock" order you will be able to see both the rock and the paper at the same time. Skyrim Recommended Mod Load Order - Dropbox is a free service that lets you Verified: 1 week ago Show List Real Estate Ok so for some reason at random points of my travels through Skyrim my game all of a sudden crashes. Test them out one at a time, and if you want to manually add several complex mods you’ll need to use tools like the Load Order Optimisation Tool and Mod Organizer 2.Unofficial Skyrim Special… Verified: 3 days ago Show List Real Estate In "Mod Help" C:\Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim for Skyrim) and copy (not move) the content of the Install Info folder to your Backup\Install Info folder. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP) Creation Club Unofficial Patches. LO and LOOT – Load Order and Load Order Optimization Tool LOD – Level of Detail MCM – Mod Configuration Menu (when using SkyUI (LE|SE), if a mod comes with an MCM, it means that you can customize certain aspects in game. LOOT is a great tool for automating and customizing your load order, and will detect problems and attempt to repair them.DX Tembtra Thief Outfit SSE - CBBE (SE) UNP UNPB 7BB DreamGirl Seraphim - Physics. It depends on which combination of mods you ultimately decide because not all of them are mutually compatible, especially the ENB’s, and some of the script heavy mods or large texture overhauls.

Make sure that the order of anything affecting NPCs matches between your left pane (mods – specifically for this purpose, the BSAs) and right pane (plugins).