Insurgency's AR15 pattern reloads wouldn't look too bad with the Assault Carbine and similar pattern guns. Personally I've never been a fan of the various animation packs out there, I've always wanted something like a Vanilla UI+ equivalent of animation packs - something that makes reload times longer without looking too tacticool/over the top or dare I say it, unrealistic e.g. I'm actually still running 2.9.4 because I've completed a fair bit of the game for that particular character, so I'm just waiting on the Rivet City Realignment and New Vegas Uncut merged for 3.2. Highly recommend this list if you want something close to what a remastered vanilla New Vegas/FO3 would be like. Solid Project + Asurah Reanimation + B42 Intertia completely transforms combat and is a must imo. Wanted to keep things fairly vanilla but with updated visuals and gunplay as well as a couple tweaks to things I find annoying. Shockingly, everything appears to work smoothly. NMCs Texture Packs Cleanup and Combine for TTW Asurah Reanimation Pack w/ no headbob and all ironsight fixes